Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de regulate

to regulateregular

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I regulateyo regulo
you regulatetú regulas
he regulatesél regula
she regulatesella regula
we regulatenosotros regulamos
you regulatevosotros reguláis
they regulateellos regulan
they regulateellas regulan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I regulatedyo regulé
you regulatedtú regulaste
he regulatedél reguló
she regulatedella reguló
we regulatednosotros regulamos
you regulatedvosotros regulasteis
they regulatedellos regularon
they regulatedellas regularon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have regulatedyo he regulado
you have regulatedtú has regulado
he has regulatedél ha regulado
she has regulatedella ha regulado
we have regulatednosotros hemos regulado
you have regulatedvosotros habéis regulado
they have regulatedellos han regulado
they have regulatedellas han regulado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had regulatedyo había regulado
you had regulatedtú habías regulado
he had regulatedél había regulado
she had regulatedella había regulado
we had regulatednosotros habíamos regulado
you had regulatedvosotros habíais regulado
they had regulatedellos habían regulado
they had regulatedellas habían regulado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will regulateyo regularé
you will regulatetú regularás
he will regulateél regulará
she will regulateella regulará
we will regulatenosotros regularemos
you will regulatevosotros regularéis
they will regulateellos regularán
they will regulateellas regularán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have regulatedyo habré regulado
you will have regulatedtú habrás regulado
he will have regulatedél habrá regulado
she will have regulatedella habrá regulado
we will have regulatednosotros habremos regulado
you will have regulatedvosotros habréis regulado
they will have regulatedellos habrán regulado
they will have regulatedellas habrán regulado

I would regulateyo regularía
you would regulatetú regularías
he would regulateél regularía
she would regulateella regularía
we would regulatenosotros regularíamos
you would regulatevosotros regularíais
they would regulateellos regularían
they would regulateellas regularían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have regulatedyo habría regulado
you would have regulatedtú habrías regulado
he would have regulatedél habría regulado
she would have regulatedella habría regulado
we would have regulatednosotros habríamos regulado
you would have regulatedvosotros habríais regulado
they would have regulatedellos habrían regulado
they would have regulatedellas habrían regulado

Participio presenteAnotado
regulating regulando

Participio pasadoAnotado
regulated regulado

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